
Anne Sexton Goes to the Circus, or, Finding form (finding function)

I used to describe it this way;
that if you used form it was like letting a lot of
wild animals out into the arena, but enclosing them in a cage,
and you could let some extraordinary animals out if you had the right cage,
and that cage would be form.

--Anne Sexton, in a 1965 interview with Patricia Marx

And tonight our skins, our bones,
that have survived our fathers,
will meet, delicate in the hold,
fastened together in an intricate
lock. Then one of us will shout,
"My need is more desperate!" and
I will eat you slowly with kisses
even though the killer in you
has gotten out.
--excerpt, "Loving the Killer"
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The Ballad of a Lonely Mannequin

Stacey wishes she were part of the group...

Lola peers into the abyss...

Anastasia lingers 'till the intermezzo...

Some socially perplexed partygoers.
All models from the Ralph Pucci showroon exhibition, 
"Variations on Vladimir".

see also, my post on design-calendar.com
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The Crossroads (David Hockney, New Paintings)

David Hockney. Woldgate Woods, 30 March - 21 April, 2006.oil on six canvases, each 36 x 48 inches; 2006

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Mettere al Mondo il Mondo: Alighiero e Boetti Mappa, Gladstone Gallery

an installation view of the exhibition Alighiero e Boetti, Mappa, Gladstone Gallery

Alighiero e Boetti, Mappa
Gladstone Gallery, New York
with curatorial assistance by: the Fondazione Alighiero e Boetti
and the Archivio Alighiero Boetti
November 7, 2009 -- January 23, 2010

Spesso l'arte si fa entrare, per forza, nel ambito della politica.
Questa frase si applica senza dubbio alle Mappe del artista
Torinese Alighiero e Boetti.

Ora, a Gladstone Gallery, un omaggio a questa serie memorabile dal artista
famoso per il suo coinvolgimento con 
il movimento d'arte concettuale arte povera.

Boetti spesso riferisce a queste opere con una frase interessante:
'mettere al mondo il mondo'.  Le Mappe, con le sue differenze e particolarità, 
rivelano i confini mutevoli di un mondo formato dalla 
demarcazione politica.

Art often enters, forcibly, into the sphere of politics. 
This sentence applies without a doubt to the Mappe of
the Torino-based artist Alighiero e Boetti.
Now, at Gladstone Gallery, an homage to this memorable series
by the artist known for his involvement
with the conceptual art moviment known as Arte Povera.

Boetti often refers to these works with an interesting sentence:
"mettere al mondo il mondo" (literally, putting to the world the world).
The Mappe, with their differences and particularities,
reveal the mutable borders of a world formed by
political demarcation.

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